Steinberg’s experience in developing highly performing cross-platform applications gives Mac and Windows PC users the option to enjoy Cubase on the hardware of choice. The advanced technologies included in Cubase Essential 5 offer flexible, cost-effective and intuitive ways of realizing the artists’ full creative potential.

Since its foundation Steinberg has constantly pushed back the boundaries of what is possible in digital audio. Our motivation is to produce the most intuitive music production software in the world, in a way that best supports the most important aspect of artistic endeavor: creativity. Building on 25 years of experience in music technology, the Cubase 5 series yet again sets new standards in usability, creativity and sheer functional depth. Since then, Steinberg has developed some of the most successful music products and technologies including Cubase, the world’s most popular software for composing, recording and mixing music. 5 Cubase Essential Overview 5.1 Creativity First The Cubase experience: Finest tools for artists Defining industry standards for 25 years In 1984, Steinberg was founded on an ideal: to help artists to make music in ways that put their creativity first, and using technology that almost anyone could afford.